How wide of a path will the plows clean?
If possible, the plows will clean your street curb to curb. However, this is not always possible because of parked cars on the street. When cars are parked on the streets, the crews will try to remove as much snow as possible.
My lawn or landscaping was damaged by the snowplow, what should I do?
As with any objects that are placed within the legal road right of way by the property owner, the Township will not be responsible for correction or replacement if so damaged during the course of snow removal. The individual property owner is responsible for marking their lawn edge with a reflective type stake or marker. Your Township snow removal personnel are responsible for over 120 miles of roadway. Our truck operators are human, and during a storm they work long hours trying to do their best for the benefit of all. Please do not abuse them.
Should we move our cars from the street?
When a storm is forecast, move vehicles to off-street parking when possible. Parked cars can be both a hazard and hindrance to snow removal efforts.
What about driveways and sidewalks?
When cleaning your street, the crews have no place to push the snow except to the curb. This creates the unavoidable problem of already cleaned sidewalks and driveways being covered with snow. The best solution to avoid this situation is to wait until the streets have been cleared before cleaning driveways and sidewalks.
Remember–do not shovel snow from driveways into the roadway. This practice is illegal under the state motor vehicle code and is also hazardous. The Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code provides for a maximum fine of $300.00 for this violation. Property owners are reminded that they are responsible for the actions of anyone they may hire for snow removal.
What if my mailbox becomes covered with snow?
Your mailbox and the access to it for the U. S. Postal Service is the responsibility of the resident. Again, because the crews have no place to put the snow, curbside mailboxes may become blocked. Heavy snow coming off the plow may damage mailboxes. This is not intentional, but does occasionally happen. Please make sure your mailbox is sturdy and in good repair. The Township will not be responsible for repairs to mailboxes, fences or shrubs placed within the legally defined rights-of-ways of its roads, unless they are actually struck by the snow removal vehicle.
When does snow removal begin?
When the Public Works Department receives word from its forecasting service that a storm is on the way, the crews begin preparation, so that they may be on the streets as soon as possible. Before snow and ice make driving conditions hazardous, Township crews will be on the road spreading salt on the snow emergency routes and problem streets. When approximately 3″ of snow has accumulated, the crews will begin to plow the streets. After the snow emergency routes have been cleared, work will begin on the residential streets.
When will my street be plowed?
Depending on the severity of the snowstorm, residential streets are usually plowed within 18 hours after the storm ends. Of course, a blizzard could cause the time period to be longer.
Will my cul-de-sac be plowed?
Cul-de-sacs will be plowed with the other residential streets. Due to the circular design of these streets, it is often difficult to equally distribute the snow along the curb line. Do not become alarmed if one area of the cul-de-sac has more snow after plowing than another.