South Whitehall Township, PA
Home MenuComprehensive Plan Update
This Comprehensive Plan sets the vision for South Whitehall Township’s future. It provides guidance on how the township can grow, change, preserve and prosper well into the future. The Comprehensive Plan provides an implementation framework that supports detailed study in specific topic areas, such as Transportation, Resource Protection, Housing, Community Facilities, Community Utilities and Land Use. These detailed studies will inform the decision making process when making updates or changes to Township regulations, programs and policies.
The current Township Comprehensive Plan was adopted by resolution by the Board of Commissioners on March 15, 2023. The current plan can be viewed here: 2023 South Whitehall Township Comprehensive Plan
Public Engagement
This plan was developed through an extensive public engagement process over the course of several years. Phases I-III established baseline conditions and identified where and how the Township will grow. Phase IV built upon the previous phases by synthesizing prior public input into a series of recommendations based in the following subject areas: Community Facilities, Community Utilities, Housing, Resource Protection, and Transportation.
General Resources
Resources used to help develop and guide the comprehensive plan including survey results, past presentations, and additional research can be found here.