Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of South Whitehall Township will hold a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. in the South Whitehall Township Municipal Building located at 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, for the following zoning appeal:
ZHB-2023-06: The continued Appeal of Michael and Weaver A. Giacoumopoulos seeking dimensional relief to construct a garage and mud room addition to the existing dwelling. The property is a corner property having two front yards and the Applicant is proposing the addition towards North 37th Street. The dimensional relief being requested is 19 feet from the required 25 feet front yard setback and proposing a finished 6-foot setback from the front yard property line along North 37th Street. The subject property is zoned R-5 (Medium Density Residential). The subject parcel address is 3703 West Linden Street. Tax ID No. 548634526691 1.
ZHB-2023-07: WILL NOT APPEAR AT THIS HEARING, CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER HEARING. The Appeal of Parkland School District seeking relief of the required number of parking spaces for the new District Operations Center with Administrative Offices where 139 spaces are required and the school district is proposing 112 spaces, therefore, seeking a variance of 27 parking spaces from Section 350-48(s)(4)(D) Secondary School Use minimum off-street parking calculations. The subject property is zoned RR-2 (Rural Residential). The subject parcel address is 2619 Stadium Road, Tax ID No. 547719272143 1.
The above-referenced properties are located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Copies of any plans, applications, and/or supporting documents that were submitted can be available for public inspection at the Township Building during normal business hours where they may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge not greater than the cost thereof (it is recommended that appointments be made in advance).
Laura Harrier, Zoning Officer